BOUNCE when you can!

Imtiaz Super Market || Fun Hello friends, we are back with a fun topic, remember me telling in my last blog about the fun we had on Friday and the other was the annual picnic of Imtiaz super market . It was so hard to come up with the stamina because why not, a whole day of work, then fun and then again fun, with so little sleep. Yeah, today I will be telling you how fun it is to go on with office people, the team who eventually becomes your family, because why not we spent more hours with them than with the people at home actually a bitter truth. So, it was Friday and not the weekend night, because remember telling you all about 6 working days? Yeah but Saturday was official picnic so apparently, we have Saturday as a chill day and not working, so we all decided to go for fun at Ocean mall. Ocean Mall, which offers bounce, battle station, VR gaming , Haunted house and much more, guess what we did there? We went in for bounce, because who doesn’t like to be a k...