A Hygienic and fresh assortment of FISH!

Fresh Fish | Imtiaz Super Market Fish , everyone loves to have fish specially in winters. Fish is easy to cook, an instant yet healthy thing to have. People refer to fish for diet purposes even as it is healthy and full of nutrition. Fish is considered a cheap source of protein diet. Sea has a lot to offer us. Many kinds of Fish es are there, but not every fish is eatable. Do you know shark fish is also eatable? Yeah, you read it right, shark fish which is hard to catch and is expensive fish to have is eatable. Shark fish has a special part which is non-eatable, rest is just like an ordinary fish. Somewhere on the national geographic channel, there was this program in which they show unpredictable things that people eat and drink and are expensive. Being in a Muslim country I doubt that but then again, life and people are unpredictable. Ever heard of snake blood, people do drink snake blood to remain young. So, as they eat shark fish for some purpose. Anyways, let’s r...