What is dengue? Why does it happen? How to treat DENGUE!
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Fight Against Dengue |
Today we will have a brief about how the chain and cycle!
Mosquitoes… probably we all know about them and have already killed a lot of them with hand or the spray or what every mat racket we have and still believe that it is just a small mosquito, but in reality, it is a killer… it has killed and taken several lives already.
There are 35000+ species of mosquitoes around the world… and out of them, only female mosquitoes use to drink blood. That means when I say about the dengue mosquito it is a female one. This was one of the facts which I too didn’t know but thanks for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8zaF14OD4I&t=4s and after a bit research got to know…
You will find a lot of mosquitoes around trees plant and water… the mosquitoes that you are watching around the plant's tree grass are male ones and the one that bites you are female…. Because female mosquitoes lay eggs after drinking blood. Female mosquitoes leave a secretion that causes irritation to the skin. For further please watch the video (link): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8zaF14OD4I&t=4s
That was the general info about the mosquito, let see what we got about the dengue mosquitoes.
Dengue is caused by Aedes mosquitos which has a Dengue virus and is white in color. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus.
Dengue fever is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with a dengue virus. The mosquito becomes infected when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. It can’t be spread directly from one person to another person.
Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. This may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash. Sometimes, symptoms are mild and can be mistaken for those of the flu or another viral infection.
According to research, People with weakened immune systems as well as those with a second or subsequent dengue infection are believed to be at greater risk for developing dengue hemorrhagic fever.
Recovery generally takes two to seven days or maybe more. The symptoms and signs may last about one to two weeks with complete recovery, in most cases, in a few weeks.
According to research, dengue has taken a lot of lives already but still, no one has made a cure for it. There is no such proper medicine for dengue up till now, there is no specific medicine to treat dengue infection. If you think you may have dengue fever, you should use pain relievers with acetaminophen and avoid medicines with aspirin, which could worsen bleeding. You should also rest, drink plenty of fluids, and see your doctor.
Dengue is a virus, so there is no specific treatment or cure. However, the intervention can help, depending on how severe the disease is. For milder forms, treatment includes: Preventing dehydration: A high fever and vomiting can dehydrate the body. Everyone is trying to recover themselves by the herbal treatments that are papaya leaves and apple juice.
Prevention from the mosquitoes is important. The best way to prevent the disease is to prevent bites by infected mosquitoes, particularly if you are living in or traveling to a tropical area.
Self-protection is important so here are some tips that may be useful for you all.
Use of mosquito repellents, even when you are indoor. Traveling or outdoors, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants tucked into socks. Indoors, use air conditioning, if available. Mosquitoes are always hidden in dark spots; dark places avoid the darkness. Extreme cold and extremely hot weather are not tolerable for mosquitoes. Make sure window and door screens are secure and free of holes. If sleeping areas are not screened or air-conditioned, use mosquito nets along with repellents.
If you have symptoms of dengue, speak to your doctor.
To reduce the mosquito population, get rid of places where mosquitoes can breed. These include old tires, cans, or flower pots that collect rain. Regularly change the water in outdoor bird baths and pets' water dishes.
Caution: If someone in your home gets dengue fever, be especially vigilant about efforts to protect yourself and other family members from mosquitoes. Mosquitoes that bite the infected family member could spread the infection to others in your home.
An estimated 400 million dengue infections occur worldwide each year, with about 96 million resulting in illness. Most cases occur in tropical areas of the world, with the greatest risk. In 2019, the FDA approved a vaccine called Dengvaxia to help prevent the disease from occurring in adolescents aged 9 to 16 who have already been infected by dengue. But, there currently is no vaccine to prevent the general population from contracting it.
And that’s a wrap… Hope this was helpful for everyone. Keep yourself and surroundings clean and avoid such interactions with standing water and gardens. Take care until next time.