#23rdMarch #PakistanDay || Pakistan is now gaining back respect in the world?

23 March in Pakistan's history is of immense importance, as it marks the day when the first constitution of Pakistan was adopted and the adoption of the resolution by Muslim League in Lahore at Minar e Pakistan, 1940. The resolution called for forming an independent state with Muslim majorities in the North-Western and northeastern provinces of the British occupied territories in India. We have been celebrating this day for almost 8 decades now, and it's marked as a National day of Pakistan. Our Armed forces perform parades, Pak Navy performs air activities and display of artillery are the center of attention for the viewers watching live and sitting back homes. Pakistan is now gaining back respect in the world since the government of Imran Khan has taken the oath. Especially the aftermath of Indian attack and Pakistan response in dealing the matters. It was very well taken by Imran Khan himself, his balanced speeches, his balanced actions along with the su...